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Policies /

Conflict of Interest Policy Summary

LWVUS/LWVEF board members are encouraged to be active in their state and local Leagues and ILOs.  However, it is expected that the national level of the League will be the primary focus of their League volunteer time.  In order to avoid time or fundraising conflicts with other levels of the League, board members may not chair major state League, ILO, or local League projects/events or serve on state League, ILO, or local League boards.

In addition, no LWVUS/LWVEF board member shall use her/his position, or the knowledge gained therefrom, in a manner that competes with the interests or concerns of the League of Women Voters.

Each board member has a duty to place the interest of the League foremost in any dealings with the League and has a continuing responsibility to comply with the requirements of this policy.

No board member may obtain for her/himself, or for members of her/his immediate family, or for other organizations of which she/he is also a board member or key staff member a material interest of any kind from her/his association with the League.  The materials, products, designs, plans, ideas and data of the LWVUS/LWVEF are the property of the League and may not be given to an outside firm or individual except through normal channels and with appropriate authorization.

If a board member has an interest in a proposed League transaction that may result in a personal gain for that board member or for her/his immediate family or that may result in a benefit to another organization to which she/he has allegiance, she/he must make full disclosure of such interest before any discussion or negotiation of such transaction.  Further, the board member shall not be present for any discussion or vote in connection with the matter.  The minutes of the meeting shall reflect that the conflict of interest was disclosed and that the interested person was not present during the discussion and decision on the matter.  

A copy of this policy shall be given to each board member at the beginning of her/his term of office.  The policy shall be reviewed at the first meeting of the duly elected LWVUS/LWVEF Board of Directors/Trustees. 


To implement this policy, each LWVUS/LWVEF board member and each key employee (the Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer and the Deputy Executive Director) shall submit a Disclosure of Interest Statement at the beginning of each fiscal year.  The LWVUS/LWVEF President/Chair shall be responsible for collecting the statements.

The Executive Committee shall review the disclosure statements and shall report on its review to the LWVUS/LWVEF board.

In the event that there is a material change in the information given in an individual's disclosure statement, she/he shall report the change promptly to the LWVUS/LWVEF President/Chair.

Questions about the application of this policy or about any potential, alleged or actual conflicts of interest shall be referred to the Executive Committee, which shall investigate and attempt to resolve the concern.  If the question pertains to a member of the committee, she/he shall not participate in the deliberations.  Any questions that cannot be resolved by the committee shall be referred to the LWVUS/LWVEF board.

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